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Mangat Copit Plastic Surgery and Skin Care

Dr. Copit discusses all about breast surgery

All About Cosmetic Breast Surgery | Mangat Copit Plastic Surgery and Skin Care
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Candidates for breast augmentation

The best candidates for breast augmentation surgery are non-smoking women who have any of the following aesthetic concerns:

  • Small breasts
  • Misshapen breasts
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Drooping breasts (in severe cases, a breast lift may be performed along with breast augmentation)
  • Breasts that appear flat or deflated after pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Tubular breasts

If you are between 18 and 22 years old, saline implants are your sole option for breast augmentation. If you are 22 or over, however, you're a candidate for silicone implants.

What Does the Breast Augmentation Procedure Involve?

When customizing your breast augmentation in Aspen, Vail Valley, and Breckenridge, CO, we'll discuss incision techniques and placement options before surgery.

Our plastic surgeons offer three incision options:

  • Inframammary: Made in the breast fold for precise implant pocket creation and positioning. Minimal scarring hidden by breasts, bras, or bikini tops.
  • Areolar: Located on the lower edge of the areola, offering good control during implant placement with a well-blended scar. May carry a risk of nipple numbness and implant size limitations.
  • Transaxillary: An armpit incision with no breast scarring. Slightly more challenging for implant placement and positioning."

We don't use the navel method for breast augmentation because of limitations and higher risks. Silicone gel implants can't be inserted through the navel, and saline implant warranties are voided with this incision technique.

Where will the implants be placed?

Breast implants can be placed above or below the chest muscle.

  • Subglandular: In subglandular breast augmentation, the implants are placed above the chest muscle and underneath the mammary gland. This approach results in more cleavage and is associated with less pain during recovery.
  • Submuscular: In submuscular breast augmentation, the implant is placed below the chest muscle. This allows for a more natural-looking result and reduces the likelihood of visible implant rippling and capsular contracture after surgery.

Breast Implant Sizing Made Simple with Dr. Copit

Watch this previously recorded live stream to learn how our team works with you to provide you confidence in seeing the results you envision.

Why choose Mangat Copit Plastic Surgery for breast augmentation?

While breast augmentation is one of the most common aesthetic surgeries in the USA, the results vary based on the skills of your plastic surgeon. At Mangat Copit Plastic Surgery in the Vail Valley, your procedure will be performed by a leader and educator in the field. We employ the latest surgical techniques and focus on achieving a look with a natural, “never had surgery” look. 

Dr. Copit is often called upon to present his techniques nationally and internationally at seminars, and as guest lecturers at various educational institutions, and he remains an educator and recognized leader in the field of advanced cosmetic surgery.

What is the breast augmentation procedure?

At our practice, the breast augmentation procedure is performed in several steps:

  • Pen markings may be made on the breasts (and armpits, in the case of the transaxillary incision) to guide our surgeons during surgery
  • The patient is put under general or local anesthesia
  • An antibacterial solution is applied to the breasts and incision sites to reduce the risk of infection
  • An incision is created in the breast crease, around the areola, or in the armpit
  • A pocket is created for the implant; a properly located and sized pocket will reduce the risk of implant displacement and result in a more natural-looking outcome
  • The breast implant is placed and positioned in the pocket; if saline implants are placed, the saline solution is added
  • The process is repeated on the other breast
  • After the implant is placed in the other breast, final adjustments are made to both breasts to improve symmetry
  • The breast augmentation incisions are closed
  • Medical tape and bandages are placed over the incisions to speed healing and reduce the risk of infection

Is breast augmentation painful?

It is normal to experience these side effects after breast augmentation surgery:

  • Discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Nausea on the day of surgery due to the anesthesia
  • Itchiness around the incision sites
  • Numbness around the incision sites

Is breast augmentation safe?

Thousands of breast augmentation every year, with very few women experiencing any complications. As with any surgery, some risks are associated with breast augmentation surgery, including:

  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Infection
  • Implant rippling
  • Implant displacement
  • Implant leaks or rupture
  • Capsular contracture

What to expect after breast augmentation

Breast augmentation has a reasonably easy recovery. You will have prescription pain medication for the initial healing phase, which is only a few days. You will be able to return home after your surgery to rest and heal. Take the step of planning for another person to stay with you for the first day and night, after which you should be fine on your own. We will provide you with full written instructions, but the general aftercare instructions are as follows:

After breast augmentation surgery, do:

  • Wait to shower until we advise you to remove your breast augmentation wraps and bandages
  • Wear a sports bra or soft, wireless bra for four weeks
  • Begin moving the implant in the pocket or massaging the implant after your first post-operative appointment.

After breast augmentation surgery, avoid:

  • Taking a bath while the healing tapes are in place
  • Normal activities for three to five days
  • Vigorous activities for two weeks
  • Heavy lifting for four to six weeks
Mangat Copit Plastic Surgery and Skin Care

Breast augmentation surgery results

By three months after surgery, the swelling is almost unnoticeable or gone entirely, and the incision healed. By one year post-op, any residual swelling has disappeared, and the scar healing process will be complete. We will offer guidance on scar healing, so the final result looks beautiful and natural.

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