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Mangat Copit Plastic Surgery and Skin Care

Who is a good candidate for PermaLip?

Some people have inherited thin lips, and others lose lip volume with aging. As fat disappears and collagen weakens, the lips can shrink, making the area around the mouth look sunken and aged. The lips can be enhanced with hyaluronic fillers such as Restylane®, Juvéderm®, or Belotero®. These treatments are very effective but temporary.

PermaLip is a soft, natural-looking implant. You may be a good candidate for this treatment if you prefer long-lasting results or if you want to avoid regular injections.

Why choose Mangat Copit Plastic Surgery for lip augmentation?

Dr. Mangat and Dr. Copit have been repeatedly voted among the “Best Doctors” for several years in a row, an honor bestowed annually upon top doctors in their fields. They have performed thousands of successful facial plastic surgery procedures, with consistently superior surgical results. At Mangat Copit Plastic Surgery and Skin Care, we provide excellent care in our safe, private, and state-of-the-art facility. We are dedicated to providing our patients with a concierge-style service that helps you feel comfortable and confident on your cosmetic journey. 

What can I expect during my lip augmentation procedure?

  • The PermaLip implant procedure can be safely performed with local anesthesia or intravenous, “twilight” sedation.
  • The entire process can take less than thirty minutes, and you may return home after the procedure.
  • Dr. Mangat and Dr. Copit will make a small incision just inside the corner of your mouth, through which surgical instruments will be used to create a tunnel along the length of the lip.
  • The implant will then be placed and positioned in the tunnel, and the incision will be closed with sutures.

What is the recovery time after lip augmentation with PermaLip?

You can return to work and resume normal activities within approximately one week after a lip augmentation procedure. Some mild and discomfort is normal, and these symptoms can be managed with cold compresses and pain medication. You may experience a short adjustment period, but your lip implants will soon feel normal, so you can speak, eat, and kiss just as you did before the surgery. 


What is the PermaLip implant made of?

The PermaLip implant is made of a soft, yet solid, silicone elastomer that is the same consistency of normal lip tissue. The implant is produced through an injection molding process, creating a naturally contoured implant with a smooth, non-porous surface that cannot rupture or deflate.

How easily can PermaLip implants be removed?

Although they are meant to be a solution that lasts a lifetime, PermaLip implants can be easily removed if desired. The removal of the implant can be performed in a simple office setting under local anesthesia.

What are the benefits of lip augmentation?

Lip augmentation with PermaLip has several benefits. It provides a long-lasting solution for individuals who want fuller, plumper lips. The implant is available in a wide range of sizes, allowing the results to be tailored for your desired outcome. PermaLip enhances the natural shape of the lips, restores volume and a more youthful look, and helps reduce the appearance of vertical lip lines around the mouth.

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